
Ordinance Chapter 168 governs how land can be subdivided in the Town of St. Joseph

At a minimum, you will need to have a professional survey and submit the appropriate applications to be reviewed by Town staff and sent on to the Plan Commission and Town Board.

Fees, checklists and process are outlined on the applications.
If a new road is required, see Ordinance Chapter 149 Roads, Driveways.
Verify the zoning district your property is located in on the Town Zoning Map . Review the Town Zoning Use Table
If your property is located in the Houlton MS4 District, review this Town webpage
More information about Zoning can be found on the Town Zoning webpage

Pre-Application Request - a Pre-Application Meeting is required before submittal of any application.

Minor Subdivision (4 lots or less) Concept Application - this is an excellent way to get some initial feedback from the Plan Commission and Town Board before you submit a formal application.

Minor Subdivision (4 lots or less) Certified Survey Map Application

Major Subdivision (5 lots or more) Concept Application - this is *required* if your subdivision will have 5 lots or more.

Major Subdivision (5 lots or more) Preliminary Plat Application

Major Subdivision (5 lots or more) Final Plat Application

Notice to Adjacent Landowners Letter

Procedures for applying for a subdivision in the Town of St. Joseph

  1. Application materials and all required fees for approval of any proposed subdivision activity under Chapter 168 shall be submitted to the Town Board and the Town Plan Commission. Application materials including current Town requirements, checklists and deadlines are available in written form from the Town Clerk/Treasurer (staff).
    • An application for any Town Board action under Chapter 168 (Concept, Certified Survey Map, Preliminary Plat and Final Plat) shall be deemed to have been validly submitted to the Town when:

(1)   A written application and predevelopment agreement, signed by the owner and subdivider or by the owner and an authorized representative and accompanied by the applicable Town application checklist and all required materials and fees, have been personally delivered to the Town Clerk/Treasurer (staff) and an electronic copy has been submitted to

(2)   Copies of all application materials have been delivered to the Town Attorney and Town Engineer.

(3)   The application has been acknowledged by the Plan Commission at its regular monthly meeting following the delivery of materials to the designated Town personnel.

(4)   All information and written materials required to allow the Town Clerk/Treasurer (staff) to notify all adjoining landowners of what subdivision activity is being proposed is provided.

a)      Adjoining landowners shall include owners of land across any roadways from the proposed land division.

(5)   All such materials have been provided, no less than, 14 days before a Plan Commission meeting so that the Town Clerk-Treasurer (staff) can process and mail said notices at least 10 days before the Town Plan Commission at which said subdivision proposal will be considered.

    • The Town Board, Town Plan Commission, Town Attorney or Town Engineer can require an applicant to provide additional information at any time where site characteristics or other unique circumstances make it appropriate to do so.
  1. Site Visit: The Town Plan Commission and Town Board may make onsite visits to the property being considered for subdivision sometime before their meetings between the hours of 7:00AM and 8:00PM without notice to the owner.
  2. Presentation of Proposal: The subdivider/owner or designee shall attend the meeting of the Plan Commission and Town Board to present the proposed land division. Failure to attend these meetings or to provide a complete application may be grounds for the Town Board or Plan Commission to table or deny the application.
  3. Conditions of Approval: The Town Board may impose conditions upon its approval of any subdivision. Such conditions shall be stated in the Town Board’s minutes and a copy given the applicant. Such conditions shall also be incorporated into the Developer’s Agreement required under Chapter 168.
  4. Disapproval: When the Town Board decides not to approve a preliminary plat, final plat or certified survey map, its reasons for denial shall be stated in the Town Board’s meeting minutes and a copy there of given to the applicant/subdivider.


Timeline of the approval process - Certified Survey Map (Minor Subdivision)

  1. Submit 14 days prior to the Plan Commission meeting (first Wednesday of the month)
  2. Submit to St. Croix County Community Development for any approvals
  3. Appear at the Plan Commission meeting (1st Wednesday of the month)
  4. Appear at the Town Board Meeting (2nd Thursday of the month)
  5. IF constructing roads to serve the lots of a CSM, a concept will be required.
  6. Submit the CSM with all signatures and stamps after it has been filed at the Registrar of Deeds.

Timeline of the approval process – Major Subdivision

  1. Submit Concept 14 days prior to the Plan Commission meeting (first Wednesday of the month)
  2. Appear at the Plan Commission Meeting (1st Wednesday of the month)
  3. Appear at the Town Board (2nd Thursday of the month)
  4. Submit Preliminary Plat 30 days prior to the Plan Commission meeting
  5. Submit Preliminary Plat to St. Croix County Community Development for any approvals
  6. Appear at the Plan Commission Meeting
  7. Appear at the Town Board Meeting (2nd Thursday of the month)
  8. Finalize the Developer’s Agreement, Letter of Credit and Insurance to be approved 30 days later at the next Town Board meeting.
  9. Submit Final Plat 21 days prior to the Plan Commission Meeting
  10. Appear at Plan Commission meeting
  11. Appear at the Town Board Meeting
  12. Reduction in the letter of credit.
  13.  Submit the final plat with all signatures and stamps after it has been filed at the Registrar of Deeds.

Call St Croix County Community Development department to determine their requirements! 
St. Croix County also administers certain ordinances in the Town, including St. Croix County Chapter 11, Animal Waste; Chapter 12, Sanitary; Chapter 13, Land Division; Chapter 14, Nonmetallic Mining (reclamation standards only); Chapter 16, Shoreland Overlay District; in addition to the Lower St. Croix County Overlay District and the Floodway Overlay District.