Building Permits
Building Permits are required in the Town of St. Joseph. The Town of St. Joseph building inspections and permits are handled by All-Croix Inspections.
Driveway Permits
Driveway permits are required in the Town before a building permit will be issued. Driveway permits are issued by the Town of St. Joseph Zoning Administrator. If your driveway address will be on County Road A, E, I or V, contact St. Croix County.
Fire Number
A Fire Number also known as a driveway marker is required in the Town. Numbers are assigned at the time of application for a driveway permit. View this Fire Number Sign Application for more information.
Burning Permits
Perpetual Burning Permits are available at the Town Hall Office. Please note the following:
- Every time you burn notify the St. Croix County Sheriff’s Department on the non-emergency number 715-386-4701. Failure to do so may result in fines
- Burning Permits are required for controlled burns on your property including recreational fires
- A burning permit is not valid until it has been signed by an eligible Town Employee
- Burning Permit application forms are "not available online"
- Burning Permits are FREE
- If you lose your burning permit there is no charge to get another one
- To obtain a burning permit contact the Clerk/Treasurer’s Office on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday
- Burning permits can also be obtained at the Fire Department most Monday evenings between 6:30-8:30 pm
Dog Licenses
Dog Licenses and up to date rabies vaccinations are required for your dog. Dog owners with four (4) or more dogs will also need a kennel permit.
Kennel Permit
All persons with four (4) or more dogs must apply for a kennel permit Kennel Permit Application. It will be considered in effect after approval by the Town Board.
Operator License
An Operator License is required if you will be serving alcoholic beverages. The business serving the alcoholic beverages in the Town of St. Joseph is responsible for coordinating and meeting the licensing requirements for their staff.
Sign Permit
View the Sign Permit (PDF) information.
Transient Merchant Permit
View the application for the Transient Merchant Permit. In the Town of St. Joseph this permit is required for any peddler, canvasser, solicitor or transient merchant, or agent or employee, who engages in, does or transacts any temporary or transient business in the town, either in one location or by moving his place of business from place to place in the town, selling goods, wares or merchandise or soliciting for such trade.
Utility Permit
A Utility Permit is required to construct, maintain, or repair utilities or excavate within highway right-of-way.
Sanitary Permit
A State Sanitary Permit is required for the installation of a private on-site wastewater treatment system (POWTS), also referred to a septic system. A St. Croix County, WI Sanitary Permit is required for the repair, re-connection or rejuvenation of a (POWTS) or for the installation of a non-plumbing sanitation (i.e. privy, composting toilet, etc.)
A Sanitary Permit is required prior to obtaining a building permit from the Town of St. Joseph building inspector. A Sanitary Permit may only be submitted by a licensed plumber. St. Croix County Staff will conduct at least one inspection for all work requiring a sanitary permit. More information can be found here: Sanitary Program Permits and Information
Fireworks Permit
View the application for the Fireworks Permit. Under state law, fireworks may generally only be sold to members of the public for recreational use if they are the holder of a valid user’s permit meeting the requirements of Wis. Stat. § 167.10(3). As a result, people wishing to use or possess fireworks within the town must get a permit from the town. Permits are not required to transport fireworks through the town on the way to another location, as long as the person transporting the fireworks remains in the town for less than 72 hours. Wis. Stat. § 167.10(3)(bm).
Pursuant to Wis. Stat. § 167.10(3)(a), no person may possess or use fireworks without a user’s permit issued by the chairperson of the town in which the possession or use is to occur. The chair may delegate the authority to issue fireworks permits to another person, such as a town employee, if desired. Town board action is not required to issue the permit
Factors the permit issuer might consider when determining whether to issue a permit include the following: desired time of use, drought conditions, and population/building density in the location where the fireworks are to be used. If the density is high, the chair might require proof of neighbor consent before the permit will be issued. The chair may refuse to issue a permit if the risk of fire is high, the applicant fails to file a requested bond, the population density in the location is too high, neighbors do not consent, etc. Keep in mind that the permit issuer has the discretion to require an indemnity bond or liability insurance as a condition of issuing the permit. The level of protection needed may vary depending on whether an individual is seeking a permit for a small private party or a more sophisticated entity is making the request for a large festival or other community event. Wis. Stat. § 167.10(3)(e).
The state statute defines what items constitute “fireworks” and what items do not. Wis. Stat. § 167.10(1). Certain items, such as sparklers and cone fountains, have been specifically excluded from the state definition. If an item has been excluded from the definition, no permit is required unless the town has a local ordinance requiring a permit for the item. Wis. Stat. 167.10(5)(a)1. A commonly used rule of thumb is that a permit is required under state law if the device explodes or leaves the ground.
Any individual or group of individuals, public authorities, fair associations, amusement parks, park boards, civic organizations, and farmers who use the fireworks against predatory birds or animals may request a permit. Wis. Stat. § 167.10(3)(c). However, permits may not be issued to minors. Wis. Stat. § 167.10(3)(h).